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The kits provide an easy and reliable method to purify plasmid DNA from 50-100 mL bacterial cultures in less than 60 minutes. The DNA is ready for downstream applications such as transfection, RFLP, DNA amplification, and automated sequencing.
- Midiprep kit: 100-300 µg of high copy plasmid DNA can be isolated from 50 mL culture.
- Midiprep-II kit: 200-500 µg of high copy plasmid DNA can be isolated from 100 mL culture.
- Endofree Midiprep kit:100-300 µg DNA yield. Purified DNA can be used for transfection in endotoxin sensitive cells or microinjection. Endotoxin < 0.1 EU/µg DNA.
- Endofree Midiprep-II kit: 200-500 µg DNA yield. Purified DNA can be used for transfection in endotoxin sensitive cells or microinjection. Endotoxin < 0.1 EU/µg DNA.
- Choice of 2 types of columns: centrifugation column or vacuum manifold column.
- ezFilter is used to clear cell lysate instead of centrifugation.
Isolate 400-600ug of plasmid DNA from 100-125ml bacterial culture