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5X All-In-One RT MasterMix 100 Rxns
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5X All-In-One RT MasterMix 100 Rxns
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Description From RNA template to cDNA in just 15 minutes completely hassle-free. With abm’s 5X All-in-One RT MasterMix, just add RNA and this optimized system will provide sensitive and reliable cDNA synthesis over a dynamic range of input RNA. The use of this MasterMix eliminates multiple component additions providing exceptional reproducibility and precision, in addition to offering the end-user ultimate convenience.

Key Features
• Reduction in handling errors with only 1 liquid transfer step
• Streamlined protocol suitable for high-throughput applications
• Simple set-up for any RNA template 
• High reproducibility and excellent yield
Literature Click To Open
Application • Generation of templates for use in RT-PCR and qRT-PCR
• cDNA synthesis from ssRNA
• cDNA library construction
• Generation of probes for hybridization
• DNA primer extension
Protocol Click To Open
Storage Store all components at -20°C.
Notes This product is distributed for laboratory research only.
Caution: Not for diagnostic use.

Copyright © egfie Herndon, VA