CapitalBio PersonalArrayerTM 16 is a newly developed microarray spotter characterized by high flexibility and high efficiency. It is equipped with both contact printing and proprietary non-contact dispensing technology. It can be used for Proteomics, Genomics, clinical diagnostics and food safety testing applications. Its compact design, low price, various functions, and flexible features give it a high performance-to-price ratio.
Key Features
● Compact design
● Dispense volume is adjustable from 10nl to 50µl
● Air pressure-driven dispensing ensure no direct contact with slide substrates, providing higher sample recovery rate and less contamination
● User-friendly software interface: customize your array in the prview setting
● High efficiency pinhead wash: customizable combination of sonication, water/solvent rinse with high speed peristaltic pump and vacuum dry of printing pins
● Flexibility: users can switch between different modules for different applications
●Active intelligence:automatic identification of slide/plate deck and spotting/dispensing module and automatic fluid level sensing
● Fabricate gene chips by either contact spotting or non-contact dispensing
● Fabricate protein chips by either contact spotting or non-contact dispensing
● Compatible with slide spotting and plate spotting; Non-contact MicrodispenseTM technology applies to biological samples including nucleotides, proteins, and cell fragments
● Applicable for microarray fabrication on membranes